What is a UI/UX?

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What is a UI/UX?

ViestiKirjoittaja isha » 12.01.2024 11:44

UI (User Interface) refers to the visual elements and design of an application or website that users interact with, such as buttons and menus. UX (User Experience) encompasses the overall experience and satisfaction users have while interacting with a product, considering usability, accessibility, and efficiency. Both UI and UX are crucial for creating user-friendly and enjoyable digital experiences.
Know more-UI/UX Design Course in Pune
Viestit: 6
Liittynyt: 16.12.2022 08:30

Re: What is a UI/UX?

ViestiKirjoittaja CreativeDataStudio » 20.01.2024 19:15

UX Strategy, or User Experience Strategy, is a long-term plan that aligns every aspect of the user experience with the business objectives.
As a result It’s a roadmap that guides the design and development process, ensuring that the end product not only meets user needs and expectations but also contributes to the business’s success.
A good UX Strategy takes into account the business goals. It aligns the user experience with these goals, finding the sweet spot where user satisfaction and business success meet.
Viestit: 2
Liittynyt: 20.01.2024 19:10

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